Over the course of the past several months, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed virtually everything that we have come to regard as “normal” in the job search and application processes. In the world of self-isolation and social distancing, job candidates are having to quickly adapt to a wide variety of new norms and best practices.
The interview phase of the job search process has undergone some particularly significant changes. Before the COVID-19 crisis, job applicants were free to meet with prospective employers in-person to discuss the particulars of a job opportunity. Today, the vast majority of professional interviews are taking place via remote conferencing platforms like Zoom and Skype.
In order to be able to make a great first impression during a remote interview, it’s important to know what you should expect. With that in mind, this article will highlight five essential tips to bear in mind as you head into your next virtual job interview.
Five Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Virtual Interview
The remote interviewing process, like anything else, contains some pros and cons. On the one hand, for example, it can be tricky to navigate the various technical steps that you’ll need to go through in order to ensure that you’re properly logged on and visible to your interviewer. On the other hand, the fact that you don’t have to actually enter into a room and sit directly across from another person means that remote interviewing is often far less nerve-wracking than in-person interviewing.
The key to acing any remote interview is to understand these pros and cons and to use them to your advantage as much as possible. Here are five separate ways in which that can be achieved:
Practice using the platform beforehand.
With so many different links, meeting codes, and downloads involved, it can often take a bit of time to get the hang of using a new platform such as Zoom or Skype. But the last thing you want to happen is to arrive late to your interview because you could not access a link or arrive at the proper window. To prevent that from happening, always be sure to set aside some time beforehand to familiarize yourself with the new platform that you’ll be using for your interview.
Dress the part.
Your remote interviewer may not be able to see all of you, but they will certainly be able to see enough of you to be able to gauge whether or not you’re dressed professionally. Before you log-on for a virtual interview, always be sure you’re dressed appropriately. Here are a few tips to help you pick your remote interview wardrobe.
Utilize earbuds.
In many cases, a computer’s built-in microphone will not be able to deliver clear, crisp sound to the employer or hiring manager that you’re speaking with. In order to ensure that your interviewer is able to hear you as well as possible, you should be sure to use headphones with a microphone during your interview. It will also be better to use inconspicuous and unobtrusive earbuds as opposed to screen-dominating over-ear headphones.
Pay attention to where your gaze is focused.
It can be difficult to know exactly where you should be looking while you’re engaged in a virtual interview. In general, however, you should make it your primary goal to look into the camera while you’re speaking, so that your interview is able to make “eye contact” with you. When your interviewer is speaking, you should divert your gaze to the image of them on your screen.
Make sure you’re seated in a distraction-proof area.
It can be very difficult to find and maintain peace and quiet while working from home. That said, it’s crucial to conduct your interview in an area where outside noise and intrusions can be kept to a minimum. Prior to your remote interview, be sure to turn on the “do not disturb” setting on your phone, and ask your family or your roommates to keep the noise down until you’ve finished.
Learn More About Optimizing Your Job Search During COVID-19
Are you interested in finding new and exciting job opportunities in the telecommunications industry during the pandemic? If so, the expert recruiters at TekCom Resources have everything that you’ll need to get started. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help bring your career search to the next level!