Landing a job interview is an incredibly exciting moment. Then, when your scheduled time arrives, you get to spend time showcasing your skills and winning over the hiring manager. In the end, that can feel like a whirlwind experience. But once it’s over, what should candidates do next?
Often, candidates assume that they have little choice but to simply sit back and wait to hear from the hiring manager. However, that isn’t necessarily the case. There are times when following up isn’t just wise; it’s potentially essential. Now that your interview is over, here’s what you need to do.
Post-Interview Thank You Note
The thank you note is a post-interview follow-up that candidates need to embrace. It’s a chance to demonstrate your appreciation for the hiring manager considering you for the role, as well as an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Plus, you may be able to work in a couple of details that highlight the best of what you have to offer, allowing you to draw focus to your employee value proposition.
Ideally, you want to send a post-interview thank you note within 24 hours of the interview ending. Along with making sure you don’t forget, the interview itself will still be fresh in your mind, which may make it easier to highlight the right information in your message.
No Update Yet? Follow-Up
If you don’t hear back from the hiring manager by the date they said a decision would be made, following up approximately two business days after that point is perfectly appropriate. Similarly, if the hiring manager didn’t give a date, but it’s been more than two weeks since your interview, requesting an update is a smart move.
Generally, you’ll want to send an email requesting an update. Within the message, also make sure your enthusiasm shines through and express your appreciation again. If it fits naturally in the email and you can remain concise, discussing a relevant skill or achievement is an option.
Once you send the first follow-up of this type, don’t reach out again if you don’t get a response until another two weeks pass. If there’s still no answer, it’s likely best to focus on other opportunities.
Change in Your Availability Notification
One time when it’s wise to reach out immediately is if there is a change in your status as a candidate. For example, if you received a job offer elsewhere and accepted, it’s wise to inform the other hiring manager right away that you’re no longer seeking opportunities.
Essentially, this message is a courtesy. It ensures the hiring manager knows that you’re removing yourself from the equation, allowing them to move on to other candidates right away.
Requesting Feedback
If you receive notice that you weren’t selected for a job, there’s one more follow-up opportunity you may want to pursue. By replying to the hiring manager, you can request feedback on your performance, giving you a chance to learn more about how you can position yourself as an exceptional candidate moving forward.
Do keep in mind that not all hiring managers will respond to this request. However, it’s an attempt worth making, as it could help you refine your approach and increase your odds of landing a position down the line.
Contact Us Today!
Ultimately, all of the follow-up options above are perfectly appropriate. If you’d like to learn more or are seeking out new opportunities, the team at TekCom wants to hear from you. Contact us today.