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Upcoming Wireless Trends for 2022

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If you are in the tech field, you know the industry is always changing. Wireless technology has grown exponentially in recent years. There are new devices, software, the Internet of Things, and a plethora of other things entering the market. Here are some of the predicted upcoming wireless trends for 2022 and what you can do to prepare for the changes coming your way.


Wi-Fi will continue to be an important part of the way people connect with each other and gain information. It will also start to be used for radar systems, two-factor authentications, and more.

Long Range Wireless Power

Wireless power is also expanding its reach. Right now, you can still only go so far from the wireless equipment before it disconnects. New wireless tech can charge devices up to a meter or more away. Eventually, this may lead to the elimination of cords for laptops, monitors, appliances, etc.


5G is still in its developmental stages. It is currently used to supplement Wi-Fi in places like airports and factories. Within the next eight years or so, 5G will be the main source of high-speed broadband though. Learning more about it and how to service the wireless tech that comes with it will be key in the years to come.

Vehicle-to-Everything Wireless

Cars communicate with each other and the road now. One of the most popular wireless trends in 2022 and beyond will be vehicle wireless technology. Of course, self-driving cars will be equipped with plenty of wireless techs. Conventional cars will be laced with plenty of bells and whistles too. Technology will help increase safety, provide improved navigation, and better infotainment systems.

Wireless Sensing

Wireless sensing will also be another trend on the upswing in the coming years. Sensing technology will implement radar systems to assist indoor robots and drones. The most popular item in the home using this technology is the Roomba vacuum. In the near future, wireless sensing will allow you to interact with other smart home tech and even improve your personal work performance.

Enhanced Wireless Location Tracking

Location tracking is going to be getting better too. This comes along with enhanced 5G networks. Consumer marketing, supply chains, and certain applications all rely on accurate location data.

Millimeter-Wave Wireless

Millimeter-wave wireless technology is used by wireless systems such as Wi-Fi and 5G. It is also used to stream 4K and 8K video content. With more people getting their entertainment through some kind of streaming service than ever before, this wireless tech will continue to trend upward.

Backscatter Networking

Small offices and smart homes can take advantage of backscatter networking. This allows data to be sent between low power consumption technology items such as sensors and trackers.

Software Defined Radio

Software-defined radio isn’t a new technology. However, it is starting to be used in new ways. SDR will also need to be upgraded on a regular basis to keep up with other new tech and system changes.

We Can Help You Prepare for 2022

Utilizing the help of a staffing agency like TekCom can make it easier to stay on top of upcoming trends in your industry. Contact us to learn more about how our team of professionals can assist you.

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