In the tech industry, there are always new terms popping up. Fiber splicing is one that has been ramping up its mentions in conversation regarding work as a field technician. It can be one of the more dangerous parts of their jobs. That is why it is important to know how to perform fiber splicing safely. Here are some tips that everyone working with fiber splicing should be aware of.
Control Your Environment
Fiber splicing should only be attempted on a stable, flat surface. You should also make an attempt to control any moving air in the area, including air conditioning or wind. This helps minimize the risk of losing fiber splinters, which can be dangerous.
Field techs should also strive to ensure everything is as clean as possible by wiping the exposed ends of the fiber down with alcohol and making sure the work area is clear of any debris. The smallest traces of dust or dirt can lead to problems.
Handle the Fiber With Care
It goes without saying that the fibers should be handled with care. They can be dangerous materials and should be treated as such. If the fiber splinters, it can cause serious damage if it enters your bloodstream. To control this, use a reverse roll of duct tape to pick up any bits of fiber that might be left behind. This will protect your hand and also help ensure nothing is left behind after the job is done.
Measure Multiple Times
When it comes to fiber splicing, you should strive to only make a cut once. As mentioned above, fiber splinters are dangerous. So, the less you cut, the better. The saying many field techs use is “measure three times, cut once.” You should make an effort to measure the piece of fiber you are cutting multiple times before you make the cut.
On top of that, you should also check every piece of equipment you plan to use to perform the fiber splicing. Check the settings on every tool before you use it and make sure they match the fibers you have. You should also check the alignment of your fiber holders and run tests on the splicing device itself to ensure you have a tool that will make a clean cut. Again, check these things multiple times before you move forward with making the cut.
Have Respect for the Tools You Are Using
The tools used to ensure fiber splicing is safe and successful can cost thousands of dollars. As a field tech, you should have respect for the tools that you use day-to-day. This means you should perform regular maintenance on your fusion splicer and cleaver. You should also be sure that you are storing them correctly when they are not in use. Read the manual for these tools to learn about the proper care and storing techniques.
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